Best Practices

Mankar College has continued several Best Practices which are worth mentioning. These are:

1. Emphasis on Physical Education and Participation in Sports Activities –

  • We are organising annual sports on regular basis.
  • We participate in inter-college, district-level, state level and national sports and athletics events on regular basis.
  • Dedicated sports instructors are regularly involved in honing the sports and athletic skills of the students.
  • Physical Education has been introduced as a subject in college.
  • The teachers even train the students outside the college hour if needed.
  • The college also tries to look after the other needs of the athletes so that they can concentrate on their activities wholeheartedly.
  • The college has also taken care of the preparation of a sports ground and gym for boys and girls.

2. Celebrating Bhasha Divas (International Mother Language Day) and other important days including Constitution Day for preaching inclusion, tolerance and human rights.

  • Every year cultural programme is organised on 21st February, the International Mother Language Day. Teachers speaking different languages participate in it to motivate students. Throughout the year literary and cultural competitions are organised giving equal priority and chances to the students of different language. As a part of it on 22nd December we celebrate Santali Language victory Divas and the Hindi Pakhwara in between 14th and 30th September every year.
  • The celebration of the Constitution Day needs special mention. On 26th November every year we arrange a talk by eminent persons, lawyers, and judges on the day to make the students aware of their rights and duties. Throughout the year we discourage anything within the campus which does not abide by the constitution.
  • In 2019, on 26th November Dr. Biswanath Chakraborty, Professor of Political Science in the Rabindra Bharti University delivered a speech on the significance of the Constitution Day. In 2021, on 26th November, which is celebrated as National Constitution Day we invited Prof. Jyotirmoy Bhattacharyya, a retired professor of the Department of Political Science, Burdwan Raj College to deliver a talk on values, rights, duties, and responsibilities of citizens. The occasion was chaired by Prof. (Dr.) Sukanta Bhattacharyya, Principal, Mankar College. He happens to be from the discipline of Political Science as well. The celebration began with reading the Preamble of The Indian Constitution and taking the pledge to abide by the Constitution and fulfil one’s duties as a citizen.

3. Regular Feedback System:

  • Mankar College collects the students’ feedback on different aspects, broadly in two subjects - first, students’ response to individual teachers regarding their teaching skill, punctuality, capability, and second, students’ response regarding overall performance of institution in terms of teaching infrastructure, socio-cultural activities and additional supports.
  • The feedback is collected from 3rd year students in hard copy form and thereafter is analysed by adopting arithmetic calculation of Likert scale.
  • Finally, the analysis is taken into the consideration for the development of infrastructure, teaching learning process and other essential issues.
  • We are also making necessary amendments in the procedure for including other stakeholders like the alumni and the guardians in the process.

4. Gradual Digitalisation of Admission Procedure, Student Management and Library:

Practice makes a mission fulfil its visions. Keeping this in mind the college has introduced certain practices.

  • We have made our admission process online, which is managed by neutral outsourcing agencies.
  • In 2011we have also introduced OPAC SOUL 2.0 in the library management system.
  • From December 2022 The library is now well connected with the web and world-wide e-resources through Koha Cloud Service software system.
  • Students are the most important resources for the college. So, we have introduced CAM, which is a computer operated online student management system.
Sl.No. Session Title Download
1 2023-24 Best Practices 12 Download
2 2022-23 Best Practices 11
3 2021-22 Best Practices 10 Download
4 2021-22 Best Practices 9 Download
5 2020-21 Best Practices 8 Download
6 2020-21 Best Practices 7 Download
7 2019-20 Best Practices 6 Download
8 2019-20 Best Practices 5 Download
9 2018-19 Best Practices 4 Download
10 2018-19 Best Practices 3 Download
11 2017-18 Best Practices 2 Download
12 2017-18 Best Practices 1 Download